Welcome to the official Revolution Cheerleading Academy blog, a place to keep up to date with all things RCA.
From upcoming events to auditions, get your pom poms at the ready and your eyes peeled for all the exciting announcements that'll soon be happening.
But first, let's catch up on all of last week's events..
The 10th of September saw RCA's first Open Class where pupils kicked off the new cheer season with eagerness, enthusiasm and talent. The pupils were the first to learn new cheer sequences and test out our new studio under the excellent teaching of Miss Ellis Birchall.
Last Thursday also saw RCA's first ever audition which was hugely successful! Not only were all the audtionees who attended raring to show the judges what they were made of, they also demonstrated pure talent and readiness to get RCA to the top.
All this excitement has got our pom poms shaking already and we can't wait to show everybody our new RCA Squad!
But don't worry if you couldn't make it to the audition, there's another on right around the corner.
Thursday 24th of September is a date you need to put in your diary as it is RCA's next professional squad audition!
Don't let the word audition put you off, this cheer try-out will be like no other! Come along with friends and have fun whilst learning part of our newest cheer routine and give us a chance to really see if you've got what it takes to be an RCA cheerleader!
That's all for today's post but make sure you stay tuned to find out all the exciting events taking place in the next few weeks!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to get in touch on 07709 094242 or drop us an email at revolutioncheerleadingacademy@gmail.com